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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids
Integration of On-Line Monitoring to Maintenance Engineering Routines

Abstract Since the year 2000, Celeo Redes has been operating on the power transmission industry, and now has 12 Utilities, one of which is under construction, in 11 Brazilian States, totaling more than…

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Voltage Control in Electricity Distribution Substation Transformers Using Intelligent Relays

Summary This paper presents a fuzzy strategy for voltage control in power distribution systems. This control system will act on the tap changer of power transformers. Fuzzy system techniques have been use to…

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Comparison of the Efficacy of Off-Line Tests vs. On-Line Monitoring of Bushings for Failure Detection – Field Experience

Abstract On-line monitoring of the bushing conditions has been adopted by Tractebel for all the step-up transformers 550 kV at hydroelectric power plants (UHE) of Machadinho, Itá and Salto Santiago, with the purpose…

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Intelligent sensing of transformers for integration with management systems

Summary With the purpose of increasing the operation reliability and optimization of transformer maintenance procedures, Eletronorte looks for implementing on-line monitoring systems for its substation assets. To do that, it is necessary to…

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Experience with the deployment of a national center for smart management of assets in Paraguay
Distribution, Transmission

Summary With the purpose of assuring good supply of Electric  Power to its 1.3 million customers spread on a 406,800 km2 area, ANDE -  Administración Nacional de Electricidad, which is the company in…

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A Step-Up Transformer Online Monitoring Experience at Euzébio Rocha UTE [Thermal Power Plant]

Abstract The step-up transformers at the Euzébio Rocha Thermal Power Plant in Cubatão - SP [São Paulo] are key for the Brazilian national electric power supply. Due to their significance and to their…

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Predictive Technology in the Johnson&Johnson Power Transformer

Abstract Electric power is a fundamental input for the industrial production of the Johnson&Johnson plant in São José dos Campos-SP. Keeping the park operating correctly has always been a priority for the maintenance…

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Rapid and very rapid evolution of bushing flaws detected by online monitoring

Abstract Because many transformer flaws originate at the bushings, in order to reduce the shutdowns for tests the offline tests on bushings have been replaced by online monitoring, which has been providing new…

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Application of On-line Monitoring Systems in the view of Maintenance Engineering of Eletrobras Furnas

Abstract The increasing demand for greater reliability and continuity in electricity supply, confirmed by new applications of electricity, such as electric cars, for example, are reflected in industry regulations, which provide heavy financial…

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Failure prevention in a 525 kv three-phase transformer through delta tangent online monitoring of bushings

Abstract Condensive bushings are an essential part of the insulation mechanism of high voltage equipment. Monitoring this component helps in the early detection of failures, making it possible to have a more effective…

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Decentralized Solution for Digitalization of Substations Using Protocol DNP3.0

Summary Due to large quantity of cabling needed for implanting a monitoring and control system using conventional equipment, Escelsa Energias do Brasil adopted a system with a communication bus, connecting various sensors to…

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Experience with Voltage Regulation in Mixed Networks Using Multi-Parameter Relays

Abstract Resolution ANEEL 505 made voltage supply limits even stricter. As a result, voltage regulation in some of ELEKTRO’s facilities was difficult, and satisfactory results were not being obtained with conventional regulation relays…

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Maximization of the use of power transformers

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to study the results of the implementation of the pilot project power transformer use maximization, without compromising the service life of the equipment and the reliability…

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On-line monitoring of regulator transformer at the Margem Direita SS in Itaipu

Abstract The importance of transformers in the SS Margem Direita of Itaipu for supply of power to Paraguay led to the installation of a pilot project for on-line monitoring in November 2006, which…

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Online monitoring of converter transformers of SS Ibiúna HVDC transmission system

Abstract The relevance of Ibiúna Converter Substation for the supply of electricity to São Paulo led Furnas to select the online monitoring of converter transformers, initially by replacing mechanical temperature measurement systems with…

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Automatic switching system for fast backup phase energization in single-phase transformer banks

Abstract Due to the regulation of Brazil's electricity sector, the unavailability of power transmission equipment, such as power transformers, imply in the application of very high fines to equipment owner, whether the unavailability…

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On-line Capacitance and Tangent Delta Monitoring for Condensive Bushings

Abstract In general, even though the unit cost for bushings is relatively low if compared to the total cost of the equipment where it is applied, a bushing insulation failure can result in…

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Decentralization and online monitoring reduce your transformer problems

Abstract Power Transformers, essential for transmission and distribution networks and, usually the more important assets of a substation, can have eventual failures diagnosed or predicted through online monitoring systems based on decentralized architecture.…

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Field experience with on-line DC bushing monitoring In HVDC system at Ibiúna Substation

Abstract The on-line capacitance and AC bushing delta tangent monitoring has reached good results in its application on power reactors and transformers. However, its direct application in converter transformer condensive bushings, with the…

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On-Line Condensing Bushing Monitoring – Working Principle

Abstract This article, published in Eletricidade Moderna magazine, shows the principle of operation of the monitoring condensive high voltage bushings in equipment such as transformers and reactors with application examples and typical topology…

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Field experience in online monitoring of a 343mva 230kv transformer with two OLTCs

Abstract In 2001, the first commercial online power transformer monitoring system in Brazil was installed at Alumar, one of the largest aluminum production complexes in the world. The monitoring system was installed on…

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Technical Report – Comparative Tests between the Treetech MO Online Moisture Monitor and the Water Content Analysis by Karl Fischer

Abstract This report presents the data obtained from deployment of two MO Moisture Monitors in an oil drying machine at Elektro’s Tatuí Substation. It also brings the comparison between the online readings of…

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Field Experience with On-Line Monitoring of Two 150MVA 230kV Transformers with On-Load Tap Changers

Abstract In 2001 Eletrosul started operation of Itajai substation with two 150MVA 230-138kV power transformers with OLTC. This paper will present the philosophy and field experience with the On-line Monitoring of these transformers…

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Our experience with the predictive monitoring system for high voltage transformers installed in Braskem’s plants

Abstract This work analyzes the practical results from implementation and operation of a modern predictive monitoring system in high voltage transformers of the Braskem unit substations in São Paulo (PE8 Cubatão and PP4…

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Temperature Monitor – LaD

LAD has Treetech technology to control and thermal protection, with the cost adapted to small applications. Developed for applications in oil transformers, dry-transformers, motors and generators, the IED is prepared to receive up…

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Circuit Breaker Monitoring System of the Rio Verde Substation – Functionality and Performance Analysis

Abstract The present electric power scenario in Brazil and abroad has led companies in the industry to operate in a highly competitive context, forcing those companies to constantly strive for better efficiency, higher…

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The SFRA technique and its practical evaluation – a study based on measurements and models

Abstract When a transformer is subject to high currents caused by short circuit, electromechanical internal stresses can cause geometric changes in the windings such as strains and displacements. These strains are harmful because…

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Wireless network application for online monitoring system at the Santo Ângelo Eletrobras – Eletrosul substation

Abstract The purpose of this technical paper is to describe the wireless communication network technology integrated in the monitoring system inside the Santo Ângelo substation in order to improve performance, customize the communication…

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Step Up Transformer Online Monitoring Experience in Tucuruí Power Plant

Abstract The Step Up Transformers at the Tucuruí Hydroelectric Power Plant are very important for the National Interconnected System (SIN). Due to that, and due to the severe work conditions, Eletrobrás Eletronorte has…

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Evolution of the Sigma online monitoring systems for transformers and reactors at Eletrosul

Abstract High voltage assets in substations, such as transformer and reactors, are crucial for the safe operation and continuity of the electric power supply. Consequently online monitoring systems have been used to increase…

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On-line monitoring and diagnosis of power transformer with vegetable oil

Abstract The substitution of insulating mineral oils with fluids or plant origin in power transformers has awakened a high degree of interest in recent years. This is due to diverse factors such as…

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Experience with Online Monitoring of Capacitance and Tangent Delta of Condensive Bushings

Abstract Capacitance and tangent delta are acknowledged as some of the main parameters for bushing insulation condition diagnosis, because they are directly affected by the deterioration of the insulation. This article intends to…

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On-line monitoring of 354-138/13,8kV 150MVA autotransformer bank with OLTCs

Abstract In order to increase the substation’s transformation capacity, Furnas substation in the city of Campinas, received a new bank of 345-138/13,8kV 150MVA single phase, auto-transformers with on load shunt changers, comprised of…

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Modernization of temperature measurement and voltage regulation systems of a 60 MVA Power Transformer

Abstract The objective of this article is to show the advantages of modernization carried out in the voltage regulation systems and measuring temperature of 60 MVA power transformer. This project served as a…

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Power Transformer Thermal Protection Modernization

Abstract Power transformers are vital components in a transmission system.  The work to keep this equipment in dependable operating conditions depends a lot of its system to measure oil and winding temperature. It…

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Specification of On-line Monitoring Systems for Power Transformers Based on a De-centralized Architecture

Abstract The changes in maintenance philosophy, with migration of maintenance actions from Preventive to Predictive have led to the adoption of On-line Power Transformer Monitoring Systems as one of the main tools used…

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