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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids

Temperature Monitoring – Luz del Sur – Lima

lg-luz-del-sur2Nowadays, Peru is experiencing a significant transformation of its history. Social and economic reforms are contributing to one of the highest levels of global growing.

Luz del Sur is a private electricity distribution company which provides its services for more than 740 thousand customers in southeastern Lima, Peru’s capital, and is conducting monitoring tests with the objective of standardizing data reading from equipment and achieving a better maintenance program.

On July 8th 2007, Luz del Sur installed a TM1 device to monitor the temperature of the oil and the secondary winding of a power transformer as well as to monitor the ambient temperature. Logytec, Treetech representative in Peru, was in charge of providing the equipment to this transformer and others already planned in different power substations.

Angel, a Logytec engineer, and the engineer Ricardo from AEI company – Logytec associate – oversaw the installation along with engineer Rafael Fehlberg, who came from Brazil specially to support this operation and provide a brief training about the Treetech devices.

Logytec provides specialized technical services to suit every need of installation and supervision of power transformers monitoring equipment. Being Treetech representative in Peru for more than three years, the enterprise distributes IEDs all around the country. Logytec, along with its team of engineers, provides various additional technical services in the engineering area and has representatives related to electric and electronic measuring equipment and instruments.

Temperature Monitoring – Seal – Arequipa


Together with Engineer Carlos from Logytec, Engineer Rafael from Treetech also had the opportunity to visit several sub-stations of the company Seal, S/E Mollendo among them, in the city of the same name, and Industrial Park S/E, located in Arequipa, the second largest city in Peru.

During July 2007, Engineer Carlos from Logytec and Engineer Edward from AEI, changed the conventional analogue thermometers for a TM1 temperature monitor, in S/E Mollendo. Now, S/E receives the information about the temperature of oil and secondary winding, added to the existing monitoring and command system.

The electricity distribution company, Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste, or Seal, is another important energy company located in the south of Peru. It serves the city of Arequipa and other surrounding small towns. Seal also has several power plants.

On August 19, 2007, in the Industrial Park S/E, one TM1 temperature monitor and one sensor corresponding to MO Moisture Monitor have been installed. Furthermore, PIR1 fast installation panels, also made by Treetech, were used, facilitating the change of older equipments and reducing transformers downtime for its respective installation and adjustment. On the picture, we can see the adaptation in the upper valve of the transformer, necessary to install Treetech’s MO Moisture Monitor sensor. The installation of the MO Monitor is still pending until scheduling an energy cut.

The product – Temperature Monitor – TM1


TM1 promotes all the control, command and thermal protection of power transformers. Monitors oil temperatures, winding, OLTC and the cooling system. It has redundancy functions and decentralized architecture.

For further information about TM1, click here.

Treetech Tecnologia
Rua José Alvim 112
Atibaia – SP
Cep 12940–750

Tel +55 (11) 2410 1190

Cel +55 (11) 98775 0708


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